19 Ways Rich People Think Differently

How do you mea­sure up? Num­ber 3 is tough for a lot of people.

1. Rich peo­ple always keep their goals in sight.
“I focus on my goals every day.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 62%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 6%

2. And they know what needs to be done today.
“I main­tain a daily to-​​do list.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 81%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 19%

3. They don’t watch TV.
“I watch TV one hour or less per day.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 67%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 23%

4. They read … but not for fun.
“I love read­ing.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 86%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 26%

5. Plus, they’re big into audio books.
“I lis­ten to audio books dur­ing the com­mute to work.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 63%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 5%

6. They make a point of going above and beyond at the office.
“I do more than my job requires.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 81%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 17%

7. They aren’t hop­ing to win the jack­pot.
“I play the lot­tery reg­u­larly.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 6%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 77%

8. They watch their waist­line.
“I count calo­ries every day.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 57%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 5%

9. And they take care of their smiles.
“I floss every day.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 62%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 16%

10. Rich peo­ple believe their habits have a major impact on their lives.
“Daily habits are crit­i­cal to finan­cial suc­cess in life.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 52%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 3%

11. Rich peo­ple believe in the Amer­i­can dream.
“The Amer­i­can dream is no longer pos­si­ble.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 2%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 87%

12. Rich peo­ple value rela­tion­ships for pro­fes­sional and per­sonal growth.
“Rela­tion­ships are crit­i­cal to finan­cial suc­cess.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 88%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 17%

13. Rich peo­ple love meet­ing new peo­ple.
“I love meet­ing new peo­ple.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 68%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 11%

14. Rich peo­ple think that sav­ing is hugely impor­tant.
“Sav­ing money is crit­i­cal to finan­cial suc­cess.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 88%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 52%

15. Rich peo­ple feel that they deter­mine their path in life.
“I believe in fate.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 10%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 90%

16. Rich peo­ple value cre­ativ­ity over intel­li­gence.
“Cre­ativ­ity is crit­i­cal to finan­cial suc­cess.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 75%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 11%

17. Rich peo­ple enjoy their jobs.
“I like (or liked) what I do for a liv­ing.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 85%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 2%

18. Rich peo­ple believe that their health influ­ences their suc­cess.
“Good health is crit­i­cal to finan­cial suc­cess.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 85%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 13%

19. Rich peo­ple are will­ing to take risks.
“I’ve taken a risk in search of wealth.“
Rich peo­ple who agree: 63%
Poor peo­ple who agree: 6%


HT: http://​www​.entre​pre​neur​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​2​3​5​228
HT: http://www.businessinsider.com/ways-rich-people-think-differently-2014–5

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