Reply to: Carry less stuff

Jonathan at We Live Sim­ply chal­lenged peo­ple carry less stuff in their pock­ets, and take a pic­ture of what they carry before and after sim­pli­fy­ing it.  I’ve already had my pock­ets sim­pli­fied as much as pos­si­ble, so I only have one pic­ture of what I cur­rently carry.  Below is the following: Cara­biner with car and office keys, thumb drive, and gym …

Not Your Average Minimalist

Had a big talk at church the other night about what my min­i­mal­ism is all about.  There were some ini­tial con­cerns among some peo­ple, but finally things were clar­i­fied and here’s the outcome. From this point on, I will be appar­ently clear about my inten­tions for a min­i­mal­is­tic lifestyle.  I’m a Chris­t­ian, and Chris­tian­ity con­sumes every aspect of my …