The Reformation Polka

Here’s a lit­tle Ref­or­ma­tion Day humor. by Robert Gebel [Sung to the tune of “Supercalifragilistic-​​expialidocious”] When I was just ein junger Mann I stud­ied canon law; While Erfurt was a chal­lenge, it was just to please my Pa. Then came the storm, the light­ning struck, I called upon Saint Anne, I shaved my head, I took my vows, an Augus­tin­ian! Oh… Cho­rus: Papal bulls, …

kingdom currency

I first heard the phrase “king­dom cur­rency” used by a friend while I was in Kenya. He was refer­ring to the body of Christ shar­ing out of the same pocket. That’s exactly how our mis­sion team func­tioned the whole month in Kenya. Some­times I paid for everyone’s bus tick­ets, and then other days dif­fer­ent peo­ple paid for all …

John Flavel on Finding God’s Will

John Flavel: If there­fore in doubt­ful cases you would dis­cover God’s will, gov­ern your­selves in your search after it by the fol­low­ing rules: Get the true fear of God upon your hearts. Be really afraid of offend­ing him. God will not hide his mind from such a soul. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear …