Getting Rid of Books the Smart Way

I have exactly 325 books that I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with.  Goodwill is one option, but I want to make some money instead of just giving away my books.  I’ve been looking at some alternatives, and if you’re trying to minimalize your possessions and books are holding you back, here’s some of the things I’ve found. – This is a high traffic site, and it’s especially good for selling used text books.  They take a 15% commission.

Cash4Books – This is an online service that buys your books and pays for the shipping to send it to them.  They don’t pay much for the books, but since you don’t pay shipping, it kind of evens out depending on what you’re selling.

Amazon – Another high traffic site that is great for selling books fast.  They take a 15% commissions plus a $.99 closing fee when you’ve sold a book.  Amazon also offers a service where you send them your books and they endorse, package, and ship your books for a small fee which is nice because all you have to do is send a bulk shipment instead of paying for individual packages every time you sell a book which can get pricy.

Used book stores – We have a huge used book store in Knoxville that buys your books for a decent price.  If you have something like that in your area, it’s worth checking out.

Craigslist – Depending on your area, this might be a profitable option, but if you live in a small town or a place where books aren’t a big market, you probably would be better off trying one of the above options.

Anyone have any other suggestions about being smart with getting rid of books?  If this post was helpful, please leave a comment or tweet this.

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