the benefit of athletics in christianity

I just fin­ished run­ning an Olympic Triathlon. “Olympic” clas­si­fies the dis­tance of the triathlon. It involves swim­ming 1500m (.93mi), bik­ing 40k (24mi), and run­ning 10k (6.2mi). It’s pretty intense and takes a fair amount of ath­letic abil­ity (which I never knew I had in me til this summer). One of my friends who I train and run triathlons with …

Simple Rules for Eating Healthy in 2012

It’s a new year, and for many of you, you’re try­ing for the umpteenth time to exer­cise and eat healthy. I’m one of those peo­ple, and this year I’m com­mit­ting to a non-​​traditional diet that has very sim­ple rules. In my expe­ri­ence, you can loose weight and nour­ish your body with­out hav­ing to count calo­ries, fat, carbs, etc. I’ve …

Simple Shopping for Singles

Singleness offers offers a lot of freedom and flexibility. That includes when and how you eat. Instead of meal plans like most diets, try portion plans. Assuming you’re wanting to eat healthy, here’s a few tips to help along the way. Calculate you caloric intake Determine your daily food intake Once you know your daily …