a journey rekindled

It’s been 2yr since I’ve started this blog and I sheep­ishly have to admit I’ve lost focus and gone far off from my main premise. How­ever, by grace I’ve been reminded of my core val­ues. Now, from the other side of the spec­trum, I begin my jour­ney back to the path I had set out for orig­i­nally. Per­haps …

why you’re not my “friend” on facebook anymore

Face­book has been in my life for a long time. I was one of the few who had an account when it was only open to those with school email addresses. I watched as it went pub­lic and the social net­work­ing world boomed. Regard­less of the social realm, I was a born net­worker and thrived on con­nect­ing with as many …

I might be on to something.

An old college buddy of mine just wrote on my Facebook wall last night. He said, “So, while packing, the thought occurred to me, “stuff is bondage.” And then I thought, “Maybe Dazz [one of my nicknames] is on to something…”. I’ve gotten a fair share of comments like that from friends over the past …

Stop Calling Me a Minimalist

I just finished reading Everett’s latest blog post “F*** Minimalism“. He’s come to some realizations that minimalism isn’t the end all. It’s a good reminder to those of us who’ve claimed the hip tag of “minimalist”. I specifically chose Live [Simply] Free because my life isn’t just about minimalism. That was just one part of …

Traditional Minimalists Live In a Bubble

This past month has been very eye open­ing in my quest for min­i­mal­ism. One of the biggest things through­out this jour­ney has been defin­ing what min­i­mal­ism is to me. So speak­ing of defin­ing, let me define what I mean by “Tra­di­tional Minimalism”. Tra­di­tional Min­i­mal­ists — those who try to pair down their items to as few …

Minimalism in Action

It’s been a little quiet on this blog because I’ve been writing vigorously on a temporary blog called Mission:Kenya. Yes, it’s finally time to put my Not Your Average Minimalist into action. In 3wks I’m heading out to Kenya for 1 month. There, I’ll be using the skills God has forged me with to minister to churches, orphanages, …

Nine Quick Tips to Identify Clutter | Zen Habits

I found these questions really helpful as I peruse my stuff on occassion. Sometimes we keep things just because we’ve had them for so long, but when you start asking these 9 questions, you realize that there’s no point keeping those things. Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, writes, As I sifted through our possessions, …

Minimalism Begets Manliness | The Art of Manliness

One of my coworkers sent me an article written over at The Art of Manliness blog. Reading the article was a feel-good movement for me. I’d encourage everyone to at least browse it over. Some of the most influential men in our collective history subscribed to a philosophy of minimalism. The greatest thinkers and doers of our civilization intuitively …

Ebook: The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Lifestyle

“Simplicity, clarity, singleness: these are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy.”– Richard Halloway Post written by Leo Bbauta. Follow me on Twitter. Yes, I know it’s ironic it’s not just one page or one sentence … but I’ve just finished writing a new ebook I hope you’ll enjoy: The Simple Guide to a …

Reply to: Carry less stuff

Jonathan at We Live Sim­ply chal­lenged peo­ple carry less stuff in their pock­ets, and take a pic­ture of what they carry before and after sim­pli­fy­ing it.  I’ve already had my pock­ets sim­pli­fied as much as pos­si­ble, so I only have one pic­ture of what I cur­rently carry.  Below is the following: Cara­biner with car and office keys, thumb drive, and gym …