2011 — Recap of My Life

This past year will def­i­nitely go down in the record books as a crazy roller coaster! It all started with a carry over from 2010. I was wrestling with a lot of things spir­i­tu­ally that were induced by my trip to Kenya in Novem­ber 2010. Dur­ing that time of search­ing and con­fu­sion, I got involved in my first dat­ing rela­tion­ship. …

2012 New Year Resolutions

I’m espe­cially excited about what 2012 holds for my life. It begins a new phase with the end of school and the start of a career, and I feel it’s going to be a year that defines what a sub­stan­tial part of my life will be like. That being said, here’s some res­o­lu­tions that I hope will become part of that …

The Reformation Polka

Here’s a lit­tle Ref­or­ma­tion Day humor. by Robert Gebel [Sung to the tune of “Supercalifragilistic-​​expialidocious”] When I was just ein junger Mann I stud­ied canon law; While Erfurt was a chal­lenge, it was just to please my Pa. Then came the storm, the light­ning struck, I called upon Saint Anne, I shaved my head, I took my vows, an Augus­tin­ian! Oh… Cho­rus: Papal bulls, …