The Brevity of Life

Life is short. Life ends fast. Slow down to smell the roses, and other times run full throt­tle. Balance. We don’t stop play­ing because we get old. We get old because we stop play­ing. Live young, stay young. What doesn’t kill you makes for a great story. Work hard, play harder. Embrace the crazy in all of us …

19 Ways Rich People Think Differently

How do you mea­sure up? Num­ber 3 is tough for a lot of people. 1. Rich peo­ple always keep their goals in sight. “I focus on my goals every day.“ Rich peo­ple who agree: 62% Poor peo­ple who agree: 6% 2. And they know what needs to be done today. “I main­tain a daily to-​​do list.“ Rich peo­ple who …

Graduating Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

This after­noon, my girl­friend and I fin­ished our last class with Dave Ram­sey. Like many oth­ers, he’s become a house­hold name to us. “Dave says this…” or “Dave said that…”. For those that aren’t aware, Dave Ram­sey is the nation’s most pop­u­lar finan­cial guru. He lists 7 baby steps as follows: Build a $1000 emer­gency fund Get out of …

A Formula for Minimalism

The Problem Mankind is wired to conform to the enviorement around them.  So, when you read about guys like Everett Bogue or Leo Babauta, you might feel like in order to be a minimalist you’d have to do what they’re doing to achieve that type of lifestyle.  That’s not true, though, minimalism looks and feels different for each …