I first heard the phrase “kingdom currency” used by a friend while I was in Kenya. He was referring to the body of Christ sharing out of the same pocket. That’s exactly how our mission team functioned the whole month in Kenya. Sometimes I paid for everyone’s bus tickets, and then other days different people paid for all my meals. No one kept track of money, we just paid for things as it came along. I have no idea how much I spent on others or how much was spent on me. It was a unique way of living, but what I consider a biblical way.
Like I said, that was unique. There were different variables on that trip that made that type of living conducive. Here in the States it can’t work exactly that way. However, that same concept of one purse is healthy. I love being generous. I’m always buying people coffee or helping out where I can. I never look at the total or take a receipt. I don’t expect people to pay me back or return the favor. I just want other believers to have the same willingness to give from their pocket.
It’s such a touchy subject. I know budgets are a good thing, and you can’t spend without keeping track of your expenses to some extent. I generally know my limits, and I know I’m not going to go broke by doing simple things like buying people coffee or a meal. Christians need to realize that what we have is ultimately God’s, and therefore if we see a need, we need to be more liberal than we probably are with our money. It’s kingdom currency and I choose to live it out.