It’s a new year, and for many of you, you’re trying for the umpteenth time to exercise and eat healthy. I’m one of those people, and this year I’m committing to a non-traditional diet that has very simple rules. In my experience, you can loose weight and nourish your body without having to count calories, fat, carbs, etc. I’ve already lost 10lb this year.
In my new healthy eating lifestyle, it’s not so much a numbers game as it objective based eating. Read on and see what I mean.
- Drink 2 liters of water a day (3 liters in hotter weather). This helps with the digestion process so food doesn’t sit and accumulate. It also flushes out toxins and is good for your heart and vascular system.
- Eat more greens. The more raw the better. If you want an easy way to get your veggies, you can either drink a cup of Green Machine a day or look into Juice Pluse.
- Eat slower. Eating fast has proven to cause weight gain and it’s harder on your digestive system when you don’t allow the enzymes in your saliva to do their part in digesting the food. Try chewing your food until it’s a pulp. Eating slower also will help you eat less. Your brain doesn’t recognize how full your stomach is until about 20min after you start eating. Try taking a smaller portion than normal, eating slower, and you may find that smaller portion quite satisfying.
- Supplement with vitamins. The 3 big ones are fish oil, multi-vitamin, and B vitamins.
- Stop drinking soda (pop, coke, whatever you call it). When I stopped drinking carbonated drink years ago, it was amazing how the difference one choice like that made.
- Cut out red meat. Not saying you can’t have it occasionally, but if you’re really analytical and need me to break it down for you, I’d say only allow one serving of red meat a week. Alternatively you should be eating white meats like chicken, turkey, and fish.
- Don’t bring junk food into your home. It should be an automatic given that when you do your grocery shopping, ice cream, chips, and candy (or any other food in those aisles) don’t go in your shopping cart (the exception would be for a party or holidays).
- Stop eating fast food! There’s nothing more to be said about that.
- Watch out for cheese. If it’s an option to put on your sandwich…opt out. If there’s a meal with substantial amounts of cheese in it, definitely stay away. There’s a lot of fat in that stuff.
The last rule is that if you’re going to choose to eat healthy, you need to choose to live healthy all around. The reality is, eating is only part of it. You need to commit to making healthy choices throughout the day. Cut down on tv watching, exercise daily, have hobbies, get out and socialize.
Don’t follow this list to loose weight, do it to prevent or help your already existing high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart failure, etc.