the power of a touch

Touch is a pow­er­ful thing. As an Ital­ian, touch is woven into my DNA. Not every­one is so inclined. Here’s a few exam­ples of the power of a sim­ple touch, and how it can change the very essence of who you are and how peo­ple per­ceive you.

Encour­ages — A sim­ple hi-​​five or pat on the back. You know’ve got­ten one and it felt good.

Com­forts — An arm around your shoul­der, or a hand on your arm. With­out say­ing any­thing, it can say a lot.

Cor­rects — The firm grip of a father’s hand on your shoul­der. It strikes fear in every young, and not so young, man’s heart.

Calms — The ten­der rest­ing of a hand on your knee or the reas­sur­ing grip of your hand. It gives peace to those with a rag­ing storm within.

Romances — Those early stages in a bud­ding rela­tion­ship where ever so slight and dis­creet touches are made. Whether touch­ing a shoul­der while laugh­ing or brush­ing some­thing off someone’s face. Seem­ingly minus­cule, yet core to our species’ way of courtship.

Iden­ti­fies — A bold hand­shake, a slap on the back. Often sub­lim­i­nal, but com­mu­ni­cates a level of sta­tus via confidence.

Gen­uine­ness — The hug that makes you feel like you are known. It’s what we all crave and imme­di­ately attracts us to the one who has given it.

Recalls — That sim­ple touch or kiss that floods our minds full of mem­o­ries. It brings us back to a place that can feel so real and just like yesterday.

The power of a sim­ple touch. How under­es­ti­mated it often is. Peo­ple cry for change in this world. Poverty, war, greed. Could not a touch be the cat­a­lyst for much of this needed change?

To add a spir­i­tual note, Chris­tian­ity should be pre­sented with a touch. It allows oth­ers a glimpse into our souls to see the truth of what we speak. Chris­tian­ity given at an arms length is not Chris­tian­ity at all.

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